Welcome to my land of colour and colourful people |
THERE ARE PEOPLE who still hail me, "Bitch's Brew!"
You would think I'd want to smack them. But it's complimentary, really; because they're telling me they remember me, they remember my column, I am still in their thoughts even after such a long time gone.
My first column was actually Surfacing. Then came Bitch's Brew, later adapted to The Brew. In between there were Sex and the Trini and Come Good (both sex-sex -- as opposed to sex-gender -- columns).
[For past newspaper work, link to: The Jhaye-Q Brew Archive]
My topics? My world. My nation. My people. Ethnicity, relationship, education, death, creativity, entertainment, culture, ambition, sex, love and rock and roll. Essentially: everything. I mean, what's not worth writing about to someone who is passionate about stories, about living, about her fellow human?
With Trinbago Come Good, the first blog I ever created, I'm telling as much of the world that opts to listen about how true Trini passionaTTe I am about all things quinTessenTially Trinidad and Tobago.
I love my country. I know my country. It isn't beautiful all the time, but it is mine, no matter what. I want people all over the world, Trinbagonians included (and we are all over the world) to love my country, to know my country now, even when it is not beautiful all the time.
I will share all I can, holding on to the hope that this will touch the change-agent residing in every soul and make people, especially my Trini people, want to do better, be more, grow great.
I invite you to hit the link, and welcome to Trinbago Come Good
I play a game called Flag-spotting. I love it when my people "fly" our flag proudly. All photos by Jhaye-Q Baptiste |